Saturday, October 5, 2024

7 Tips for Getting Back to Writing After Summer (From Script)

In this week’s round up brought to us by Script magazine, writing coach Jenna Avery answers a reader’s question about regaining momentum with writing after time away, read an exclusive interview with indie horror filmmaker Stewart Thorndike, and take inspiration from the setups and payoffs of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

SELLING YOUR SCREENPLAY: Ep. 496 – Making an Audio Series with Curt Wiser

This week Ashley Scott Meyers talks with the audio series “A Voice in Violet” writer, director, and editor Curt Wiser on how writing a fiction podcast is very different from a screenplay and ways to make money from making an audio fiction podcast.

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INDIE SPOTLIGHT: Interview with Bad Things Horror Writer-Director Stewart Thorndike

Stewart Thorndike discusses why motherhood is a theme she’s drawn to as a storyteller, the importance of location, her collaboration with her tight-knit team, and the challenges and creative liberation of working with an ensemble cast.

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Married Immigrants Mock Shakespeare for Movie Fame

Dr. Rosanne Welch celebrates the female screenwriters who came before us with this month’s spotlight on the prolific playwright and screenwriter Bella (Cohen) Spewack.

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7 Tips For Getting Back to Writing After Summer

When the kids go back to school, how do you get back to writing? Writing coach Jenna Avery answers a reader’s question about regaining momentum with writing after time away.

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Taking Inspiration from the Setups and Payoffs of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Marvel, 2023

A good setup and payoff is like a gift to your audience. Done well, setups and payoffs also complement your skills as a screenwriter.

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