Monday, October 7, 2024

Social Media for Writers

Social media is a large part of our world today—and is thriving and growing by the minute. It’s important to know how to use social media for writers, everything from the basics to how it can benefit your career.

Discover how to use social media to your advantage in this Social Media 101 course. Get an overview of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, and GoodReads. You’ll learn how to create a profile on social networks, decide which platforms are right for you, and build a sense of community with others online.

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If you want more online education, see the full list of WDU courses here.

Announcing the Novel Writing Virtual Conference

Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present an exclusive virtual conference for novel writers! On January 12-14, our Novel Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from seven award-winning and bestselling authors on the finer points of how to write a novel. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft skills, refining your characters, exploring the future of publishing, and getting the tools you need to advance your career as a writer from seven different published authors.

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Connect Your Characters with Your Audience or Your Script Dies

Are your characters connecting? Features and pilots succeed or fail based on the ability of the writer to get the audience to connect with the characters. If you can’t do that, your script will die. It’s as important as story.

During this live webinar, you’ll learn the difference between an authentic character versus a series of traits and how important it is for you to connect emotionally with the people in your story.

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Enter the Short Short Story Competition!

We’re looking for short fiction stories! Think you can write a winning story in 1,500 words or less? Enter the 24th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition for your chance to win $3,000 in cash, get published in Writer’s Digest magazine, and a paid trip to our ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference!

Deadline: December 15, 2023

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Catch Up on “Writer’s Digest Presents” Now!