Sunday, October 6, 2024

2024 April PAD Challenge: Day 14

Somehow we’ll be through two weeks in this challenge after today’s poem. So let’s get at it.

For today’s prompt, write an ekphrastic poem. An ekphrastic poem is a poem inspired by a piece of art, whether that’s a painting, a sculpture, mixed media, or something beyond all that. You can choose the piece of art to inspire you, but I’ve included a few pieces here in case nothing springs to mind:

The Starry Night, by Vincent van GoghThe Wounded Deer, by Frida KahloThe Boating Party, by Mary CassattThe Scream, by Edvard MunchGuernica, by Pablo Picasso

Remember: These prompts are springboards to creativity. Use them to expand your possibilities, not limit them.

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Later this month, be sure to check out the 3rd annual Writer’s Digest Poetry Writing Virtual Conference with four great presentations put on by award-winning poets covering a variety of topics, including how to put together poetry collections and bring fresh insight to familiar ideas.

Click here to learn more.


Here’s my attempt at an Ekphrastic Poem:

“The Boating Party on the Starry Night”

They stayed out a little too long,
that much is definitely true,
but there are worse ways to be wrong.
Sure, they’re out a little too long,
because of the words and the song,
but stars illuminate the view
for those out a little too long,
that much is also very true.