Sunday, October 6, 2024

Agent Advice: Nina Leon of Pérez Literary & Entertainment

Nina Leon is an Associate agent at the London-based agency, Pérez Literary & Entertainment. For information on how to query her, head to the submission page on her website, and follow her on X (Twitter).

Nina Leon

What made you want to be an agent? And what was your journey in becoming an agent?

I don’t think my story is too dissimilar to most of my colleagues in the industry. I grew up reading books and always valued the power of stories. I was young when I realized that the characters and magical places I loved were the product of a single person’s mind. That was such a profound realization, and one that encouraged me to pursue a career in publishing. After my relevant university studies in the field, I built my way up the industry ladder until joining the amazing team at Pérez Literary & Entertainment.

What was the first thing you sold, and what is the most recent thing you’ve sold?

My first deal was for Tales of a Monstrous Heart, which is a gothic romantasy trilogy being published by Gollancz in late August this year. My most recent deal was for a magical dark academia duology. The deal hasn’t been announced yet, but keep your eyes on The Bookseller and Publishers Marketplace, because it’s coming soon!

What are you looking for right now from writers that you’re not getting?

I’m really looking to sign contemporary romances projects right now. I love love, so I’m hoping to see more manuscripts that explore the complexity of relationships and the different types of relationship dynamics that exist. That sounds heavy, but I love to laugh, so I’m also keen on projects with levity alongside a layered relationship.

It’s inevitable that when a genre is doing well, we tend to see a lot of the same format. With any query, I like to see familiar tropes and concepts, but with a unique hook or twist on what’s popular. I need to see something that would make a project stand out from competitors in an editor’s inbox.

What excites you most about publishing right now?

Just how many more people are reading these days. The BookTok boom has a lot to do with that. The publishing industry needs readers, so the more the merrier!

What can writers do to improve their chances of a good first impression?

A query letter is a first impression, which is why it’s crucial to get it right. Adopt the appropriate tone for your letter, know your manuscript well enough to pitch it correctly, know the right comp titles to use, and lastly, be kind to the agent reading your letter.

What’s the number one mistake you see in queries?

When a manuscript isn’t edited properly. I know that it’s exciting to send out your query, but it’s better to take your time and make sure your pages are as strong as possible than it is to rush and submit a weak draft. You only get one shot with an agent!

What’s your best piece of advice for writers?

Find your voice, and then value it. Oh, and edit!

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