Sunday, September 22, 2024

Writer’s Digest Magazine September/October 2024 Cover Reveal

Creating Wonder

One of the most magical things about writing is the wonder it can inspire. In this issue, we hope to celebrate the wonder of writing and how writing can evoke a sense of wonder in readers of all ages.

Download a PDF of the September/October 2024 issue of Writer’s Digest from the Writer’s Digest Shop to start reading today. 

Writer’s Digest Magazine

Features Include:

The Annual Agent Roundup: Consistently one of our most popular features, the Annual Agent Roundup showcases 20+ literary agents who are open to submissions along with their preferences and details for how writers can query them. By Amy Jones

The WD Interview: Jesse Q. Sutanto: The bestselling author of the Dial A for Aunties series sat down with WD to talk about her August 2024 suspense novel, You’ll Never Be Me. By Amy Jones

Everyday Wonder: How to Mine Awe From the Mundane: Sarah Chauncey offers 5 techniques (with examples) for how to evoke wonder of commonplace experiences in your writing. By Sarah Chauncey

Childhood: Our Touchstone for Wonder: Elizabeth Sims shares tips and prompts for getting in touch with “Little You” to create big new work for today. By Elizabeth Sims

From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Unveil the hidden beauty in facts and transform your nonfiction with the power of wonder. By Ryan G. Van Cleave

The WD 23rd Short Short Story Awards: Karin Patton: WD shares the winning story, “Fountain of Ruth,” in its entirety, along with the top 10 winners, and a Q&A with winner Karin Patton. By Moriah Richard

Profile: Meg Medina: Kids’ author and Newbery Medal winner Meg Medina inspires readers as the Ambassador of Young People’s Literature. By Don Vaughan

Additional articles include an interview with middle-grade Newbery Honor winner Jasmine Warga, 8 ways to improve your memoir, tips for self-editing, and the basics of adapting books to film. Plus, all of your favorite columns including Writers on Writing by Mona Susan Power, Agent Alcove by Rachel Letofsky, Meet the Agent, Breaking In, Publishing Insights, and much more.

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