Thursday, October 3, 2024

8 Ways to Do Whatever the Hell You Want With Your Writing

“That’s a huge risk—are you sure now is the right time?”

“You’ve built an amazing career, you have a good life… why would you trade that for the unknown?”

If you’ve ever thought about writing a book or pursuing any bold, creative dream, you’ve probably heard these questions. Maybe they even echo in your own mind, raising feelings of fear, anxiety, and doubt. These voices often come from others—friends, family, colleagues—or from the expectations society, religion, or even our own self-doubt places on us.

(5 Tips for Writing Better and Faster.)

But here’s the thing—if you feel that inner tug, that persistent pull toward writing, creating, or bringing something uniquely yours into the world, then yes, it will be scary. It may even feel overwhelming. But it can be thrilling, liberating, and life-changing.

As co-authors of Whatever the Hell You Want: An Escape Plan to Break Out of Life’s Little Boxes and Live Free from Expectations, we are here to say, YES, YOU CAN! You can rebel against the expectations that confine you and step boldly into the chaos of the creative process. It’s not for the faint of heart, but if your passion keeps knocking, it’s time to bet on yourself and take that leap. The world needs what you have to offer.

Now, let’s get real. This is a challenging journey, but one worth taking. Here’s how to embrace your creative process, defy expectations, and bring your vision to life.

1. Acknowledge the Expectations—and Challenge Them

Be aware of what’s holding you back. Are these expectations from others or yourself? Identify which ones support your goals and which are stifling your creativity. Remember, it’s okay to question and reject expectations that don’t align with who you are.

2. Define What Success Means to YOU

Forget the conventional box everyone wants to put you in. Your definition of success should be personal. Ask yourself: What does success look like for me? How can I feel fulfilled by this creative endeavor? And don’t be afraid to embrace imperfection. Mistakes are part of the creative process—trust it, even when it feels messy.

3. Build Boundaries and Protect Your Space

Your creativity deserves time and space to grow. Block out time on your calendar to explore without judgment. Eliminate distractions, limit interruptions, and give yourself permission to focus. You owe this to your creative self.

4. Welcome Chaos and Uncertainty

Creativity can find its place in chaos. The best ideas often emerge from moments of unpredictability. So, allow your mind to wander, and don’t rush to tidy things up. Be open to uncertainty—it’s where magic happens.

With a growing catalog of instructional writing videos available instantly, we have writing instruction on everything from improving your craft to getting published and finding an audience. New videos are added every month!

5. Reflect, Adapt, and Evolve

Document your journey. Keep a creative journal where you track ideas, breakthroughs, and even frustrations. Over time, you’ll see patterns that reveal where your best work comes from. Seek feedback from trusted peers who understand your vision but can also push you to grow.

6. Stay Curious and Keep Learning

Feed your creative fire by exploring new topics, reading diverse genres, attending workshops, or learning a new skill. Be open to different perspectives, even when they challenge you. Curiosity fuels creativity.

7. Take Risks—Big Ones

Being bold is non-negotiable if you want to create something that matters. Push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Unconventional ideas or those that make you feel vulnerable often lead to your most groundbreaking work. And remember, failure is part of the process—don’t fear it, learn from it.

8. Cultivate a Creative Community

Surround yourself with people who understand your vision, who push you to dream bigger, and who support your creative risks. Engage in honest, open conversations with people who are also challenging expectations. A supportive network will help you stay on track, motivated, and inspired.

Ultimately, defying expectations and embracing the chaos of creation means trusting yourself. It means believing that your voice matters, that your ideas are worth sharing, and that the unknown is an opportunity, not a threat.

Check out Keri Ohlrich and Kelly Guenther’s Whatever the Hell You Want here:

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