Build a Better Freelance Business: Editing and Coaching
Many writers, especially those with a decent track record of publication, supplement their income with freelance editing or coaching on the side. However, writers can easily subvert their efforts by being overly generic and expressing openness to every possible type of project.
The key to success as a freelance editor is, in fact, to go narrow. Writers can develop a more successful freelance editing business by being more focused and strategic with the three Ps: positioning, packaging, and pricing.
If you want more online education, see the full list of WDU courses here.
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Writer’s Digest University’s 11th Annual Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about the craft of this genre directly from bestselling Mystery and Thriller authors.
Listen to “Writer’s Digest Presents” Now!
In the fourth season premiere of the “Writer’s Digest Presents” podcast, content editor Michael Woodson chats with Script magazine’s editor-in-chief Sadie Dean on how to get started in screenwriting.