Saturday, October 5, 2024

Character Dynamics in Fantasy Romance

I think most of us can agree that the best stories have intriguing, relatable characters. One could even say that compelling characters are the foundation of what makes a good book. In the romantasy genre, character dynamics become even more important, since relatable characters are what make a fantasy world feel real, and, in a romance, the relationship between two protagonists is a central part of the plot.

What’s the Backstory?

As writers, we have the important job of understanding every motivation our characters have. We need to know their histories all the way back to their birth because their pasts explain why they are the way they are, what choices they make, what fears and challenges they have, and how they can grow throughout the story. The beautiful thing about romance is that we have two characters with two different personalities, and our goal is to bring them together, despite all the obstacles between them, for a harmonious and satisfying conclusion. So how do we make that happen?

Let Your Characters Decide

Understanding how two individuals will interact when thrown together (whether by choice or not), and how they can overcome their challenges and find their happy ending, is my favorite thing about writing romance. When I know my characters well enough and I maneuver them into some kind of challenge, it feels like they choose what happens next. I may be the writer, but my characters tell the story, live the story, and I’m just a witness, copying it all down.

While this may seem like an abstract concept, I think most writers can relate to the feeling of a story telling itself. When we know our characters intimately, the decisions they make in a given situation become obvious. For them to make a choice that doesn’t align with their personality feels wrong and goes against who they are, and trying to force it is often when we hit a block. As writers, it’s our job to listen and observe. The story is there. We just have to follow it.

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Triumph Over Trials

The higher the stakes, the more compelling the story and the more satisfying the conclusion. Because the romance genre is so deeply rooted in character development, it’s important that the characters grow and vanquish their foes (inner and outer!) in order to fall in love and find their happy ending. But high stakes don’t necessarily have to be world-altering events.

What may seem like an impossible feat to one character may be a non-issue for another. Whether the fate of the entire world lies in their hands, or simply their future happiness, it has to feel as real and as terrible to the reader as it does to the character. My goal as a writer is to always stay true to my characters and remember where they stand in relation to their challenges.

Fantasy Still Feels Real

Writing fantasy adds another level of subtlety that needs to be addressed when getting in your characters’ heads. In addition to knowing their backstories and motivations, we have to put ourselves in their world. The social and political structures of their reality may be vastly different from ours, but the goal remains to make the characters feel real. So how do we connect to someone living in a magical universe that doesn’t exist?

Their world may look completely different, but readers will still view their story through the lens of their own experiences. The same human emotions affect characters in a fantasy world as they do people in real life. Fear, loneliness, pain, lust, passion, love—these are universal experiences, whether real or imaginary. We relate to the human struggle no matter what setting a story is told from.

Fantasy + Romance = ?

When a romance is told in a fantasy setting, we have a wealth of new possible conflicts to explore. This is the fun part! We can let our imaginations run wild dreaming up scenarios to put our poor characters to the test. (But the beauty of a romance is that we know they will triumph in the end!)

Are they different species of creatures who are considered enemies? Do they have opposing kinds of magic? What are the taboos and socially acceptable customs in your world? Does their relationship fit outside societal norms? How will the two characters falling in love be looked at by other characters? How will their love affect the world at large? All these questions influence how the two protagonists will interact, and it also sets the stage for some delicious and spicy forbidden love, enemies to lovers, mutual pining—or whatever dynamic you choose to build their love story. The possibilities are endless.

You Make the Rules

You are the ultimate master of the universe in your imagined fantasy world, and that is one of the greatest joys of writing. So revel in it! Know your characters inside and out and then have fun throwing them into impossible scenarios and watching them find their way out again. Their resilience might surprise you.