How to Hook an Agent: Queries and Beyond!
Querying can be a thrilling experience. From the first day you send out your first batch of queries, to your first requests, to some valuable feedback, and then to finally a match made! No matter what you’ve experienced, your goal is to hook a fantastic agent who adores your project, and someone who will work hard for you and fight for your special place in the literary market.
Join agent Katie Shea Boutillier as she explores exactly what agents are looking for in clients. From the query letter to the book concept to the author’s brand, and to overall career expectations/goals. It’s good to know what to expect as you begin your relationship with your agent. To gain trust in each other and to see out your ultimate goal.
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Join Writer’s Digest in Italy in 2025!
Writers from around the world and throughout the centuries have found inspiration from the beauty of Florence and the surrounding Tuscan countryside. Now, you can be one of them! Join Writer’s Digest in Florence and Tuscany this fall for the most awe-inspiring writing retreat available!
Get Ready for the 2025 February Flash Fiction Challenge!
Join us in February for our third February Flash Fiction Challenge! Write a new short short story each day in February with daily writing prompts from Managing Editor Moriah Richard.
Click here for the guidelines.
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With a growing catalog of instructional writing videos available instantly, we have writing instruction on everything from improving your craft to getting published and finding an audience. New videos are added every month!