Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Jordan Kopy: This Industry Demands a Thick Skin

Jordan Kopy is a born and raised New Yorker who now lives in London with her husband and poorly behaved (but lovable) cat. A financial services professional by day (no idea how that happened), Jordan spends her nights with ghouls, witches, and the occasional evil hag. She’s the author of the Theodora Hendrix middle grade series. Follow her on X (Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram, or find her on her website at

Jordan Kopy

Photo by Jordan Kopy

In this interview, Jordan discusses the challenges, inspiration, and surprises in the process of publishing her debut middle-grade novel, Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters, her advice for other writers, and more!

Name: Jordan Kopy
Literary agent: Maddy Belton
Book title: Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Release date: July 16, 2024
Genre/category: Middle-grade contemporary fantasy
Elevator pitch: The Addams Family meets Nancy Drew in this delightfully spooky illustrated middle grade mystery following a human girl determined to protect her monster family from discovery.

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What prompted you to write this book?

I had been working on another manuscript on and off for about six years when I had the idea for Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters. My husband, mother, and I were watching one of our favorite movies, My Cousin Vinny. One of the actors, Fred Gwynne, also played Herman Munster on “The Munsters,” a black and white television series from the ‘60s—a fact my mom pointed out at least a dozen times. It must have stuck with me, because the next morning I woke up with an idea for a story about a 10-year-old girl being raised by a bumbling family of monster superheroes. I jumped out of bed (at 6:00 am on a Saturday—an ungodly hour!), grabbed my laptop, and settled at the table in my garden. Two hours later, I had written the opening chapters of what would become my debut novel.

How long did it take to go from idea to publication? And did the idea change during the process?

I wrote Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters in 2018 over the course of six months. I signed with my first agent some six weeks later, and she secured a three-book deal the following year. My book was originally published in the U.K. in 2020—an unusually speedy timeline, as far as traditional publishing goes! I think part of why we were able to bring it to market so quickly is because the book’s concept didn’t undergo any significant changes; the revisions were more focused on tightening the plot and deepening the characterization. That being said, getting the series to the U.S. has been a much lengthier process—a total of six years from idea to publication!

Were there any surprises or learning moments in the publishing process for this title?

Tons! The biggest one, I think, is just how dynamic the publishing industry is. Change is the name of the game: trends shift, publishing houses evolve, agents and editors move on. At times, it can be really difficult to navigate: One minute, you’re on top of the world; the next, you’re at the bottom of the abyss. The way I’ve learned to manage is by celebrating the wins when they come, and trying not to take it too personally when things go sideways—this industry demands a thick skin!

Were there any surprises in the writing process for this book?

Definitely! Previously, I’d been a “planner,” carefully plotting the story arc, character development, and themes prior to putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as it were). When I sat down to write Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters, I was just playing around, toying with an idea that had popped into my head seemingly overnight. I had the premise, the opening line (“I’m going to tell you a secret”), and not much else. Apparently, not planning works for me!

What do you hope readers will get out of your book?

I hope readers walk away from this book and think, Wow, that was so much fun! I

also hope that young readers, especially those who might feel like they don’t quite fit in, walk away feeling encouraged that the traits which others might view as “unique” or “different” are the very things that make them special.

If you could share one piece of advice with other writers, what would it be?

There are no shortcuts; your book only works if you do. Carving out time to write is so important. It doesn’t matter if it’s a half hour in the mornings before work or a three-hour block on the weekends—consistency is key!

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