Monday, March 3, 2025

Tama Kieves: Clarity Sells Books

Tama Kieves, an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, left her law practice to write and help others live and breathe their most meaningful self-expression. Featured in USA Today, Oprah media, TEDx and more she is a sought-after speaker and career/writing coach, who has helped thousands worldwide to live the life of their dreams. Download her FREE tool for writers to help you undo fear and listen to your inspired self. Visit her at and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Tama Kieves

Photo by Jason Johnson

In this interview, Tama discusses how the best experience she’s had writing was with her new self-help book, Learning to Trust Yourself, her advice for writers, and more.

Name: Tama Kieves
Book title: Learning to Trust Yourself: Breaking Through the Blocks That Hold You Back
Publisher: St. Martin’s Essentials
Release date: March 4, 2025
Genre/category: Self-help
Previous titles: Thriving Through Uncertainty: Moving Beyond Fear of the Unknown and Making Change Work for You, A Year Without Fear: 365 Days of Magnificence, Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work!, This Time I Dance: Creating the Work You Love, A Course in Miracles for Life Ninjas
Elevator pitch: A powerful guide to self-reliance for anyone who wants to unlock their inner genius and live an exceptional life. When you trust yourself, everything becomes possible.

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What prompted you to write this book?

I left a high-powered law career as a Harvard-trained lawyer to become a writer. In my career transformation, I had to learn how to trust my instincts and a non-linear path to create the life I desired. While I succeeded and became a bestselling author, speaker, and writing and career coach, I realized I still didn’t completely trust myself or the big dream that good things could really happen for me. I still had a pre-disposition toward self-criticism and jadedness.

I wanted to stop doubting myself and my life and become undiluted with my talent, my message, and my love. So, as with all my books, I started to work with what was blocking me from these results—and how to have a breakthrough. Also, I kept seeing a pattern in my coaching clients. The clients who were stuck, kept “getting in their own way.” They kept doubting themselves, overdoing everything, and getting set back by every frustration or disappointment. And the clients who were flying kept “discovering their own way,” unlocking clarity and direction and an organic flow to everything in their lives. Self-trust made all the difference. This was a magic balm with tangible outcomes.

How long did it take to go from idea to publication? And did the idea change during the process?

I think it probably took me about four years, not to mention the years of growth beforehand. Yes, the book evolved as I wrote it. After writing for a few years, I sold the book, still in infancy form, to my publisher at St. Martin’s Press on the strength of our relationship. He had published my previous four books when he was at Tarcher/Perigee-Penguin Random House.

When I first started the book, I had a feeling that this book was about loving yourself enough to trust the deepest truth and genius within you. That inner self-advocacy would help you face uncertainty and unlock your connection to higher resources. As we talked more about it, I realized I was writing about trusting yourself. That clicked because I have been a creative career and writing/book coach for years … and I love helping maverick souls trust their deepest knowing. And when I mentioned that I wanted to help readers get past whatever stopped them from trusting themselves, my publisher and I came up with the idea of naming chapters like “From Self-Comparison to Self-Appreciation,” “From Self-Doubt to Self-Trust,” etc. So, my web of creative clarities and revelations found more of a marketable form.

Were there any surprises or learning moments in the publishing process for this title?

Yes. When it came to choosing the title of the book, I learned a lot. I originally wanted a title with more flair or bounce—like The Self-Trust Manifesto or something. While I write self-help, I tend to write in a literary and creative style, so I wanted the title to reflect that.

But my publisher opted for clarity…and I’m so grateful. I thought Learning to Trust Yourself could sound basic and might not attract creative souls or readers who might already have a sophisticated level of personal growth. But the way the title is on the cover of the book is perfect. Because TRUST YOURSELF really stands out and that is what the book is about.

And so many people have already shared with me, “Oh yeah, I need to learn to trust myself more.” I don’t think they would have said “Yes, I need to have more of a self-trust manifesto!” I guess the biggest learning was that clarity is essential … and that if you have the right design, the images can add the flair or pull even more of the audience you desire. My new insight is that clarity sells books. And selling books has flair and bounce.

Were there any surprises in the writing process for this book?

Yes. While I believe in a loving Universe and that creativity is a mystical force, I have not been someone who has identified with writing being channeling or having another being be the author. (I’m probably too self-absorbed and too much of an excellence freak with the editing process to believe in that.) That said, I experienced awe while writing this book.

I’d hit a place of pure frustration where the writing felt jumbled or fragmented. I’d be trying to explain something, but it just wouldn’t feel cohesive or compelling. And then at points, everything became easy. It was like solving a math equation, where everything fell into place, exactly into place, with an ease and music and organization. I literally laughed out loud at how good it was.

This was the best experience I’ve ever had with writing, and keep in mind, I love writing and have had plenty of experiences of being inspired. This was different. Then when I finally finished writing the book, I had a dream the same night. It didn’t actually feel like a dream, but like an experience. I saw an old-fashioned fountain pen. And I heard and felt this crack as a massive lightning bolt struck the metal tip of the pen. The thought flashed across my mind: Maybe the real author is signing off. Make of it what you will. I’m still doing the same.

What do you hope readers will get out of your book?

When you trust yourself, everything becomes possible. You have no idea what you can accomplish when you’re in your zone and undiluted. You open the floodgates to creativity, happiness, wealth, equilibrium, even the ju ju power of the Universe, and more.

The voice you listen to inside yourself determines your entire life. You may be listening to a harsh inner voice thinking it’s “practical” or “realistic.” But this voice is not the voice of your internal guide. Never doubt the instruction and genius of your life. Your way may be off the map. But it’s also off the charts!

If you could share one piece of advice with other writers, what would it be?

Trust your writing desires. Follow your heat. Please don’t think about what you “think will sell” as much as what do you need to write with all your heart and soul. Your “head” comes up with ideas of what might be popular, which may or may not even be true. But one thing I know: remarkable writing sells itself. And you don’t get to choose what you ultimately need to write. It chooses you. Follow those instincts, that heat. There is unfathomable talent within you, not to mention an adventure with yourself that might just heal every part of you.

Plus, when we write what we really want to write, we have a great time, we put more into it. And when it comes time for selling, you can stand behind it with clarity in your bones. I still market and sell all the books I’ve written, because I still believe in them. I wrote them from my core. I didn’t sell out to sell. I may have adjusted things, but I never compromised my core. As a former Harvard-trained attorney, I have an opinionated logical mind. But when it comes to writing, I don’t choose with logic. I put my money and my life on the magic. And it works. 

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