Sunday, October 6, 2024

Time’s running out to join editor-in-chief Amy Jones and senior editor Robert Lee Brewer in Italy for the writing retreat of a lifetime!

Writer’s Digest is headed to Italy! Join editor-in-chief Amy Jones and senior editor Robert Lee Brewer this September 26 – October 3, 2024, for an Italian getaway to inspire your stories, learn from writers, and finish that manuscript!

“This year, Writer’s Digest is hosting its first overseas writing retreat to Tuscany,” says Amy Jones. “This is actually half tour, half writing retreat—the best of both worlds, because you get to see a bunch of incredible buildings and art and history to inspire your writing, and then you get the dedicated time to actually do the writing.”

Listen as Amy and Robert discuss the itinerary, what to expect, what to look forward to, and more!

Time’s Running Out!

There’s only a few weeks left to register! Click here for the full itinerary and to register today!

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